If I Keep Gaining Weight, is Liposuction a Good Idea For Me?

Oct 18, 2018

Ask Dr. Jones 

As one of the most popular cosmetic and surgical procedures, liposuction sculpts the body by removing undesired fat from areas like the waist, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. These undesired fat deposits can form from poor diet, lack of exercise and even inherited family traits. With this procedure, a hollow, stainless steel tube and vacuum are used to remove localized fat deposits from beneath the skin, through small incisions.

So should you get liposuction if you are continuing to gain weight? Essentially, it all comes down to the math. If your caloric intake is more than what you’re burning in a day, you will gain weight. Even if you get liposuction, you will continue to gain weight with this high calorie intake. If you do not change your diet and lifestyle, these fat cells will have to find new places to deposit itself on your body.

Once the fat cells have been removed from specific, targeted areas like the tummy or abdomen with liposuction, new fat cells will deposit in other areas of the body with continued weight gain. These new fat cells will deposit in other areas like the upper back and shoulders instead. For many patients who have had liposuction but did not make a lifestyle change, they still maintained a flat stomach, but now resemble linebackers with all of the extra fat stored in their upper body. A patient may develop body deformities with continued weight gain after liposuction since the fat can no longer go to the areas that have been worked on.

It is very important to try to change and improve your lifestyle in order to actually enjoy your potential results after surgery. Liposuction should be seen as a jump-start to healthy living. Once you have all of the undesired fat surgically removed, maintaining this new look is important. You wouldn’t want to have surgery just to gain back all the weight. A healthy diet plus excise can go a long way in maximizing your results after surgery!

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